Monthly Archives: July 2020

What’s in your heart?

Hmmm… Covid-19 has changed the way we do a lot of things, but it has also further revealed the true state of our hearts. We complained we didn’t have time to rest when in truth we were just restless, and now we have created even more virtual activities for ourselves.

We complained we didn’t have time to visit our friends and maintain relationships. Now that video conferencing has become the norm, we still don’t remember to video call our friends and extended family.

We complained that church took so much time, traffic and other unnecessary hassles. Now church is basically one hour online and some people still miss it. We mourned that we didn’t have time for our children because of the many things taking us out of the house. Now that we are in the house, how much time do we spend actually relating with the children and not shouting or dishing out instructions?

We’re all given the same number of hours. What we invest them in is where our priorities lie. Having known your priorities, OWN THEM! If they’re good ones, by all means, don’t apologize for them. If they need adjustment, accept the fact and make the necessary adjustments.

In the end, all that we need to hear is “well done good and faithful servant” from the Master! If you are on track to receive that accolade kudos to you. If you don’t think you are on track, it’s not too late to make amends. You’re never too far gone to make a U-turn.

I wish you a fulfilling new season of intentionality.
With love,
Daba Olowodun (June, 2020)