Happy new year

Happy New Year to everyone. Last year was a very activity filled one and I hope that as the years pass, all our lives will continue to flourish in Jesus name.

Everyone is thinking about a new year resolution but honestly I don’t think they are as effective as they seem. If you really want to see changes in your life, you need goals and commitments, not new year’s resolutions that you will probably give up on in a week.

The easiest way to actually make progress is to move one step at a time. If you’re always setting about 50 goals for just a month, you’ll find yourself tired and giving up just 2 goals into it. You could also try making a vision board. With a vision boards you get to see where you are headed in pictures. Even after making a vision board you have to accomplish them one at a time. Write the vision and make it plain {Habakkuk 2:2}. If you are always making huge plans it will just look like some long and impossible list. So keep it simple and realistic and see yourself smash all your goals.

I really hope this was helpful to someone. love you all.

#happynewyear #visions #nnewyearresolutions

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